Authors: M Gavan McAlinden Paul J Dougherty
Publish Date: 2014/03/26
Volume: 472, Issue: 6, Pages: 1697-1702
Graduate medical education in the United Kingdom recently restructured with the goal of improving trainee experience In 2007 the Modernizing Medical Careers program changed the organizational structure of all postgraduate medical training in the United Kingdom due to concerns about excess length of training and a lack of supervision The goals were to include standardization of education and training to produce “high quality well trained accredited doctors” 4 A more formalized structure of feedback and assessment was also implemented to document the progress of trainees 4 Additionally the European Union’s European Work Time Directive reduced the number of hours any employee could work including those in graduate medical education training—from 56 hours to 48 hours per weekNote from the EditorinChief We are pleased to introduce the next installment of CORR® Curriculum—Orthopaedic Education The goal of this quarterly column is to focus on the mechanics of resident education Dr Paul J Dougherty residency program director at Detroit Medical Center and Dr Gavan McAlinden training program director for Northern Ireland Trauma and Orthopaedic Training explore the trainee’s intricate path through the United Kingdom’s graduate medical education system We welcome reader feedback on all of our columns and articles please send your comments to eicclinorthoporgEach author certifies that he or she or any member of his or her immediate family has no funding or commercial associations eg consultancies stock ownership equity interest patent/licensing arrangements etc that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article