Authors: Bruno Falissard
Publish Date: 2011/09/20
Volume: 470, Issue: 1, Pages: 315-316
Hypothesis tests are statistical tools designed to help investigators control the risk that is taken when making inferences or basing decisions on probabilistic data Although these tools are easy to implement in practice they are conceptually more complex than generally is assumed 3 5 Statistical tests of an hypothesis can be presented according to two different theoretical frameworks the NeymanPearson approach which uses a threshold probability value and the Fisher approach which does notThe NeymanPearson approach is presented in many textbooks and statistical courses Here two hypotheses are considered and the objective is to find which is the more compatible with data Consider for instance the classic situation of a randomized controlled trial in which two proportions p1 and p2 are to be compared there is the socalled nullThe author certifies that he or a member of his immediate family has no commercial associations eg consultancies stock ownership equity interest patent/licensing arrangements etc that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article