Authors: ShuangBo Kong Shuang Zhang YongJie Chen WeiXiang Wang BingYan Wang Qi Chen EnKui Duan HaiBin Wang
Publish Date: 2012/08/30
Volume: 55, Issue: 8, Pages: 687-693
The uterus is an indispensable organ for the development of a new life in eutherian mammals The female mammalian reproductive capacity diminishes with age In this respect the senescence of uterine endometrium is convinced to contribute to this failure This review focuses on the physiological function of the uterus and the related influence of aging mainly in rodent models A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing the process of uterine aging is hoped to generate new strategies to prolong the reproductive lifespan in humansThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team