Authors: Rakhmat Prasetia Abd Rahman Assyakur Takahiro Osawa
Publish Date: 2012/09/01
Volume: 112, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 575-587
Research has been conducted to validate monthly and seasonal rain rates derived from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation Radar PR using rain gauge data analysis from 2004 to 2008 The study area employed 20 gauges across Indonesia to monitor three Indonesian regional rainfall types The relationship of PR and rain gauge data statistical analysis included the linear correlation coefficient the mean bias error MBE and the root mean square error RMSE Data validation was conducted with pointbypoint analysis and spatial average analysis The general results of pointbypoint analysis indicated satellite data values of medium correlation while values of MBE and RMSE tended to indicate underestimations with high square errors The spatial average analysis indicated the PR data values are lower than gauge values of monsoonal and semimonsoonal type rainfall while antimonsoonal type rainfall was overestimated The validation analysis showed very good correlation with the gauge data of monsoonal type rainfall high correlation for antimonsoonal type rainfall but medium correlation for semimonsoonal type rainfall In general the statistical error level of monthly seasonal monsoonal type conditions is more stable compared to other rainfall types Unstable correlations were observed in months of high rainfall for semimonsoonal and antimonsoonal type rainfallThis work was supported by BMKG and JAXA mini ocean projects in Indonesia We gratefully acknowledge data received from the following organizations TRMM PR V6 data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA and rain gauge data from the Indonesian Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency BMKG