Authors: J Appelbaum I Peleg A Peled
Publish Date: 2015/08/06
Volume: 126, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 339-350
Estimating the ultravioletB UVB solar irradiance and its angular distribution is a matter of interest to both research and commercial institutes A static multisensor instrument is developed in this paper for a simultaneous measuring of the sky and the reflected erythemally weighted UVB irradiance on multiple inclined surfaces The instrument employs a predeveloped simple solar irradiance model and a minimum mean square error method to estimate the various irradiance parameters The multisensor instrument comprises a spherical shaped apparatus with the UVB sensors mounted as follows seven skyfacing sensors to measure the hemispherical sky irradiance and six sensors facing downwards to measure the reflection from ground This work aims to devise and outline an elementary lowcost multisensor instrument The sensor may usefully serve research commercial and medical institutes to sample and measure the UVB irradiance on horizontal as well as on inclined surfaces The various UVB calculations for inclined surfaces are aided by the sensor’s integrated software