Authors: Haofang Yan Chuan Zhang Hiroki Oue Guoqing Wang Bin He
Publish Date: 2014/12/13
Volume: 122, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 721-728
The determination of evaporation and transpiration separately is very important in improving water use efficiency and developing exact irrigation scheduling Hourly crop evapotranspiration ET c and soil evaporation E g beneath the buckwheat canopy were measured using Bowen ratio energy balance method and microlysimeters respectively The total ET c and E g in the whole growth season of buckwheat were 1874 and 721 mm respectively Crop coefficient of buckwheat plant was simulated by days after sowing DAS and leaf area index LAI the average values for four growth stages were 058 059 110 and 074 and soil evaporation coefficient the ratio of soil evaporation to reference evapotranspiration was modeled by soil water content at 5cm depth by dividing the LAI into two stages The relationship between the ratio of soil evaporation to actual evapotranspiration E g/ET c and LAI was decided It was found that E g/ET c decreased from 1 to 03 with the increase in LAIThis study has been financially supported by Jiangsu University senior professional scientific research fund project 14JDG015 14JDG017 the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province BK20140546 the national high technology research and development program 863 Program project of China grant 2011AA100506 Jiangsu universities engineering discipline construction project 1033000001 and the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China 41330854 Thanks also to the anonymous reviewers and editors