Authors: Juliano José Corbi Susana TrivinhoStrixino
Publish Date: 2016/07/07
Volume: 785, Issue: 1, Pages: 91-99
In the present study we analyzed eight streams four located in areas with sugarcane cultivation and four located in preserved areas and applied a simple method to find Chironomidae indicator species that characterizes groups of sites preserved or disturbed by sugarcane cultivation Specimens were collected during March 2002 and November2006 using a Dnet 250 µm mesh size in areas of rapids and backwaters The organisms collected were identified to morphotypes level In preserved streams Parametriocnemus sp Ablabesmyia Karelia sp and Endotribelos spp had high densities Chironomus spp and Rheotanytarsus spp were dominant in streams located in areas of sugarcane cultivation The analyses of indicator species point to eight taxa in preserved streams and two taxa in the sugarcane streams Nonmetric Multidimensional Scale analysis points to two groups one gathered in the streams near the sugarcane plantation and the other in the preserved streams The similarity test Analysis of Similarity pointed to significant differences P 005 between these groups This agricultural activity seems to influence the Chironomidae community structure in low order streams in the Cerrado region The identification of groups at the morphotypes level was important to establish indicator speciesThe authors gratefully acknowledge the fruitful suggestions of Professor Pedro P Corbi and Dra Vanessa ColomboCorbi The authors also acknowledge the financial support provided by CAPES and BIOTAFAPESP São Paulo State Research Foundation Brazil