Authors: Luc Brendonck Tom Pinceel Raquel Ortells
Publish Date: 2016/11/01
Volume: 796, Issue: 1, Pages: 201-222
At some stage in their life cycle most zooplankton in temporary waters produce dormant eggs that assemble in a persistent egg bank to cope with unfavourable conditions As part of a riskspreading strategy only a fraction of the egg bank hatches during a single inundation Besides this dispersal in time resistant dormant eggs also disperse in space via vectors including wind water and animals The structure and functioning of the dormant egg bank has important consequences for meta population and meta community structure and dynamics Here we merge empirical and theoretical data into a conceptual framework for the study of population and community responses in temporary ponds along a gradient in hydrological disturbance Overall we conclude that changes in hydrological disturbance may compromise both the abiotic ie water quality and biotic ie population and community processes integrity of temporary pools which is especially relevant in light of ongoing anthropogenic alterations in the hydrology of inland watersThis study was partially supported by the Project CGL201230779 Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity cofinanced by UEFEDER L B was an invited researcher by the University of Valencia “Atracció de talent” by VLC CAMPUS TP is currently supported by a postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation—Flanders FWO 12F0716N This study was also supported by the project “Evolutionary Ecology of bet hedging” FWO Flanders G055512N and from a KU Leuven Programme financing project “Eco—and socio—evolutionary dynamics” KUL DEFIS