Authors: XiaoKun Lin DaZhou Wu XiaoFang Lin Na Zheng
Publish Date: 2017/03/01
Volume: 33, Issue: 5, Pages: 605-608
The series comprised 22 males and 16 females The average age of the patients was 19 years A definitive preoperative history of the ingestion of FBs was obtained for only eight patients Crying and abdominal pain were the main clinical manifestations Perforation repair was performed in 29 patients 763 while enterostomy was utilized in five patients 132 and enterectomy in four patients 105 Five perforations occurred in the large intestine and 33 perforations occurred in the small intestine with the most common site being the distal ileum Of the 38 FBs recovered 26 were food objects while nonfood objects were found in 12 patients All patients recovered well except one patient with an intestinal obstruction from adhesions that occurred approximately 1 month after dischargeAll procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the ethics committee of The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards