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Title of Journal: Int J Control Autom Syst

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Abbravation: International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems

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Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems and The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

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Periodic use of timevarying state feedbacks for t

Authors: Young Il Lee Basil Kouvaritakis Mark Cannon
Publish Date: 2009/03/12
Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Pages: 151-155
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This paper provides a receding horizon control method for SISO bilinear systems in the presence input constraints Periodicallyinvariant sets are derived for a bilinear system with respect to a series of timevarying state feedback gains The dualmode control strategy is adopted and the periodicallyinvariant sets are used as target invariant sets The state feedback gains used to define the target invariant sets are also used to render degrees of freedom to steer the current state into the target set The region of attraction for the proposed algorithm is enlarged significantly with an extension of the horizon of periodicity while the onlineRecommended by Editorial Board member Young Soo Suh under the direction of Editor Jae Weon Choi This project is conducted through the Practical Application Project of Advanced Microsystems Packaging Program of Seoul Technopark funded by the Ministry of Knowledge EconomyYoung Il Lee was born in Korea in 1963 He received his BSc MS and PhD in Control and Instrumentation from Seoul National University He is currently a Professor of the Dept of Control and Instrumentation Seoul National University of Technology He spent two years at Oxford University as a Visiting Research FellowBasil Kouvaritakis was born in Athens Greece in 1948 He was awarded FirstClass Honours in Electrical Engineering from the Manchester Institute of Science and Technology where he also received his Master and Doctorate He is currently a Professor in Engineering at the Department of Engineering Science and a Tutorial Fellow at St Edmund Hall Oxford UniversityMark Cannon was born in England in 1971 He received MEng and DPhil degrees from Oxford University and SM from Massachusetts Institute of Technology He is currently a University Lecturer in Engineering and Fellow of St Peter’s College Oxford University



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  9. High gain adaptive observer design for sensorless state and parameter estimation of induction motors
  10. Adaptive consensus control for multiple Euler-Lagrange systems with external disturbance
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  15. A grey probability measure set based mobile robot position estimation algorithm
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