Authors: Mohammed Benbrahim Mohammed Nabil Kabbaj Khalid Benjelloun
Publish Date: 2016/10/25
Volume: 14, Issue: 6, Pages: 1447-1454
The object of this paper is to study the problem of robust stabilizability for a class of continuoustime Linear Systems with Markovian Jumps LSMJ and saturated input Sufficient conditions for stochastic stabilizability with constrained control input are given in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities LMIs The approach gives a direct expression of the linear state feedback controller that respects the condition of saturation Also the robustness of these systems for four types of structural uncertainties 1 matching conditions 2 norm bounded 3 value bounded and 4 linear combinations is treated Finally numerical examples are given to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed resultsMohammed Benbrahim received his Engineering diploma from ENIM Rabat in 1997 and his MSc and PhD degrees from EMI Rabat in 2000 and 2007 respectively He is a professor at Faculty of Sciences of Fez His research interests include control and their engineering applicationsMohammed Nabil Kabbaj obtained two MSc from UCL Belgium in 1999 and from UPS France in 2000 and his PhD from the University of Perpignan in 2004 He is a professor at Faculty of Sciences of Fez His research interests include control and their engineering applicationsKhalid Benjelloun received the Engineering diploma from EMI Rabat in 1987 and his MSc and PhD degrees from Montreal Polytechnic in 1993 and 1996 respectively He is a professor at EMI Rabat His research interests include control and their engineering applications