Journal Title
Title of Journal: Int J Control Autom Syst
Abbravation: International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems and The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
Authors: Lina Yao Long Feng
Publish Date: 2016/04/15
Volume: 14, Issue: 2, Pages: 435-442
Stochastic distribution control SDC is a new branch of stochastic system control that the system output is the probability density function PDF of the output In practice some algebraic relations exist between the input and the weights of SDC systems leading to a singular state space model between the weights and the control input which increases the complexity of the system The ignorance of time delay in practical systems will make the effectiveness of the fault diagnosis FD and fault tolerant control FTC be reduced In this paper the linear Bspline basis functions are used to approximate the output PDF A FD approach based on the adaptive observer is established to diagnose the size of fault in the singular timedelayed SDC system With the fault diagnosis information a fault tolerant controller based on PI tracking control scheme is constructed to make the postfault PDF still track the given distribution The postfault closedloop stability analysis with the practical fault tolerant controller is carried out based on the Lyapunov stability theorem Finally a numerical simulation is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approachRecommended by Associate Editor Ho Jae Lee under the direction of Editor Fuchun Sun This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 61374128 the Science and Technology Innovation Talents 14HASTIT040 in Colleges and Universities in Henan Province China and the Open Project of Chinese State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process IndustriesLina Yao received the PhD degree in control theory and control engineering from the Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China in 2006 From September 2007 to March 2008 she was Research Fellow in University of Science and Technology of Lille France She is currently a Professor in School of Electrical Engineering Zhengzhou University China Her research interests include fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of dynamic systems stochastic distribution control and their applicationsLong Feng received the Bachelor degree in automation from Henan University of Science and Technology in 2012 Currently he is a postgraduate in School of Electrical Engineering Zhengzhou University His research interest is in fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for stochastic distribution systems
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