Publish Date: 2015/10/07
Volume: 38, Issue: 6, Pages: 1561-1567
The nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug NSAID ibuprofen IBU anion was intercalated into the layered zinc hydroxide LZH to form a new organic–inorganic nanohybrid Then IBU–LZH nanohybrid was dispersed into chitosan for the formation of the nanocomposite The IBU–LZH nanohybrid was characterized by powder Xray diffraction PXRD to study intercalation scanning electron microscopy SEM for the investigation of surface morphology Fourier transform infrared FTIR spectrophotometer to study the chemical interactions and thermal gravimetric analysis/derivative thermogravimetric analysis TGA/DTG for understanding the thermal stability The PXRD patterns showed that the IBU was successfully intercalated into the interlay space of LZHs as monolayers and the basal spacing of LZH increased from 957 to 1954 Å The FTIR analyses confirmed the formation of the host–guest nanohybrid The DTG studies revealed that the thermal stability of IBU was increased after the intercalation into LZH The in vitro release study of IBU from IBU–LZH and IBU–LZH/chitosan nanocomposite was investigated in phosphate buffer saline PBS solution of pH 48 and 74 The drug release from the LZH was studied by ultraviolet–visible UV–vis spectroscopy