Publish Date: 2015/12/05
Volume: 38, Issue: 7, Pages: 1831-1841
Composites reinforced with 8 vol TiB2 were subjected to the consolidation process by spark plasma sintering SPS The results show that the addition of boron 1 vol introduced to the steel matrix has a significant effect on the composite microstructure as well as physical mechanical and tribological properties The full density of 97–99 was obtained in the composites sintered at a temperature of 1100∘C The steel–8 TiB2–1 B composite sintered at 1100∘C for 30 min was characterized by the highest microhardness 465 HV03 and Young’s modulus 229 GPa combined with the best compressive strength 1150 MPa and abrasive wear resistance μ = 025 and W Vdisc = 20778 × 10−6 mm3 N−1m−1 The microstructure and chemical composition were examined by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy The examinations have revealed the presence of numerous fine complex borides in the microstructure of the steel–8 TiB2 and steel–8 TiB2–1 B compositesThis study was performed under statutory funds of Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Technical Science Pedagogical University in Krakow We thank Professor Lucyna Jaworska Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Krakow for help in SPS process Tomasz Tokarski PhD AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow and Sonia Boczkal PhD Institute of NonFerrous Metals in Gliwice Light Metals Division Skawina for help with the SEM and TEM investigations