Authors: Irwin J Klein
Publish Date: 1963/04/13
Volume: 184, Issue: 2, Pages: 163-163
To the Editor —Dr Nathan S Kline seems to indicate in response to a question regarding the diagnosis of mental retardation and schizophrenia in 4yrold twins that schizophrenia results in mental retardation in such cases JAMA183230 Jan 19 1963 I would like to point out that both diagnoses may coexist but are not necessarily mutually causative either way A schizophrenic child may show impaired mental functioning on psychological testing but this does not make him a mental defective I have even coined the word dysmentia to designate that form of pseudoretardation which as shown by mental testing may be and is caused by emotional deprivation especially at an early ageIf we are to advance in the field of child psychiatry a sharper delineation of diagnostic terms must be a sine qua non for such progressThis comment was referred to the consultant who answered the question and