Publish Date: 2002/06/05
Volume: 287, Issue: 21, Pages: 2755-2755
We print illustrations of new property recently purchased by the American Medical Association That on the left is a reproduction of a photograph of the property It is situated on the northeast corner of Dearborn Avenue and Indiana Street Chicago on the north side and quite near the business center The property is covered with five houses renting from 35 to 50 each the two on the north—to the left—are being taken down to make room for the new building The size of the ground is 80x100 The illustration on the right is a reproduction of the architects plans for the new building for THE JOURNAL It will be 40x80 feet three stories and a high basement The basement will be occupied by the presses and folders the first floor by the bindery and mailing room and the second by the editorial and business offices The front part of the third story will be occupied by the library and the rear by the composing room The cost of the building complete will be a little over 30000