Authors: Catherine Talbot
Publish Date: 2008/03/28
Volume: 38, Issue: 7, Pages: 1402-1403
The textbook edition of Building Social Relationships is an expanded version of the original intervention manual by the same title published in 2006 The textbook is accompanied by an Instructor Manual and CD with power point presentations chapter tests with answer keys and a final examination The text includes learner objectives for each chapter highlighted vocabulary terms review questions case studies inclass activities project ideas suggested paper topics and a glossary of termsThe author’s stated goal is to address “the need for social programming for children and adolescents with ASD by providing a comprehensive fivestep model” In the introduction to the Instructor’s Manual Dr Bellini reports that the results of his metaanalysis of studies of social skill interventions “revealed that social skill interventions are only minimally effective for children with ASD” He concludes that better intervention is needed in natural settings based on reliable assessment