Authors: Guolin Wu Nayuan Wu Tianyi Li Yongsheng Fan Guoyou Yu Wenwen Lu
Publish Date: 2015/11/03
Volume: 21, Issue: 10, Pages: 778-783
Seventy pSS patients were randomly assigned to two groups using a randomized digital table the integrative therapy group 36 cases and the control group 34 cases Thirty healthy subjects were taken as a normal group The control group was treated with hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets alone and the integrative therapy group was treated by Chinese herbal medicines for nourishing yin supplementing qi and activating blood combined with hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets The treatment course was 6 months for both groups Before and after treatment serum estradiol E2 testosterone T luteinizing hormone LH prolactin PRL by radioimmunoassay and immunoglobulin IgG by immunodiffusion erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR by Westergren interferonγ IFNγ and interleukin4 IL4 by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay were determinedE2 and T levels in all patients were lower than those of normal subjects before treatment P005 and were increased significantly after 6month treatment P005 ESR FSH LH IgG IFN γ IL 4 and ratios of E2/T and IFN γ/IL in the patients were higher than those of normal subjects before the treatments P005 and were reduced significantly after the treatments P005 The T and IFN γ levels and E2/T ratio in the patients treated with integrative therapy were reduced significantly compared with the control group P005 However the PRL levels before and after treatment were not significantly changed in the two groups P005 The ratios of E2/T and IFN γ/IL4 and levels of IgG and ESR were positively correlated before and after treatment P005The ratios of E2/T and IFN γ/IL4 might be used as indicators of pSS activity Chinese herbal medicines for nourishing yin supplementing qi and activating blood combined with Western medicine could improve the therapeutic effect by regulating the reproductive endocrineimmune network in pSS patients