Authors: M García de Cortazar I Agote E Silveira P Egizabal J Coleto Y Le Petitcorps
Publish Date: 2008/11/13
Volume: 60, Issue: 11, Pages: 40-46
Discontinuously reinforced titanium alloys containing insitu formed TiB needles are emerging as candidate materials for advanced applications This new family of titanium composites presents technical advantages and it can be less expensive and easily amenable for netshape manufacturing relative to titanium metalmatrix composites developed to date The production of a master compound by a novel and costeffective process called selfpropagating hightemperature synthesis SHS has been studied This master compound could be subsequently used in an investment casting process to obtain TiBreinforced netshape titaniummatrix composites The SHS technique and its features were investigated in depth before a suitable master compound was defined and produced Cast samples obtained from the addition of the master compound have been produced and the most important issues concerning the processing microstructure and mechanical properties are highlighted in this paper