Authors: Sung Keun Jung Hyong Joo Lee Ki Won Lee
Publish Date: 2012/10/31
Volume: 21, Issue: 5, Pages: 1227-1233
Acanthopanax species Araliaceae are used in traditional medicines in Eastern cultures In vitro and in vivo experimental studies have demonstrated that many Acanthopanax species exhibit multiple biological effects against oxidative stress inflammation cancer and obesity Additionally analytical studies have identified compounds from Acanthopanax and described their biological mechanisms of action One of such active compounds suppresses extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation and its kinase activity through direct binding This compound also suppresses the activities of activator protein1 and nuclear factor κlightchainenhancer of B cells in vitro and in vivo Thus further studies of the use of compounds from Acanthopanax species and more details of their mechanisms of action may help in broadening the use of Acanthopanax species in functional foods and pharmacological agents