Authors: Seulki Lee KyuHo Han Erina Yabuki Yumi Nakamura Sakura Kawakami Kenichiro Shimada Toru Hayakawa Hirotake Onoue Michihiro Fukushima
Publish Date: 2015/06/30
Volume: 24, Issue: 3, Pages: 1151-1157
The effects of lcysteine 1 and 2 on the antioxidative system were examined in rats with dgalactosamine dGalNinduced injury These rats showed increases in serum antioxidative enzyme and hepatic thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TBARS activities with decreased hepatic/serum glutathione GSH levels and GSHrelated enzyme activities However lcysteine supplementation resulted in a decrease of hepatic TBARS levels and increased catalase and serum GSH levels The activities of serum enzymes in rats receiving 2 lcysteine were significantly p005 lower than in dGalNinjected group rats and similar to levels in control group rats without acute liver injury In addition 2 lcysteine increased the glutathione reductase activity and decreased the serum TBARS level in liver injury group rats Dietary lcysteine especially at a 2 level exerts a hepatoprotective effect by alteration of the GSH level and antioxidative enzyme activities