Authors: M Hübner D Hahnloser F Hetzer M K Müller P A Clavien N Demartines
Publish Date: 2007/02/06
Volume: 21, Issue: 4, Pages: 592-594
For this study 30 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic leftsided colectomy were prospectively randomized for the 5mm LigaSure or The 10mm LigaSure The patients’ demographics were analyzed together with their intraoperative and postoperative parameters and the instruments were assessed by the surgeons with a standardized questionnaireThe two groups were comparable and demonstrated similar mean operation times blood losses and hospital stays The 5mm LigaSure was applied in more operation steps and resulted in fewer bleeding episodes and less lens cleaning Monopolar scissors were used less frequently in the 5mm group thus minimizing cauteric lesions and their complications 0 in the 5mm group vs 2 in the 10mm group Overall satisfaction with the 5mm LigaSure was significantly higher 84 ± 018 vs 69 ± 041 out of 10 p = 0002 with significant advantages in terms of dissection capacity visibility and handling