Authors: In Ja Park GyuSeog Choi KyungHoon Lim ByungMo Kang SooHan Jun
Publish Date: 2009/01/01
Volume: 23, Issue: 8, Pages: 1818-1824
Five hundred fortyfour patients with extraperitoneal rectal cancer who underwent curative resection between 1996 and 2007 were included Patients were divided into a laparoscopic surgery group LAP n = 170 and an open surgery group OPEN n = 374Morbidity requiring surgical correction was 58 in the LAP group and 48 in the OPEN group p = 075 The anastomotic leakage rate was similar in both groups 57 in both p = 098 Differences were found in preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen CEA LAP group 46 ng/ml OPEN group 77 ng/ml p = 0001 sphincter preservation LAP group 829 OPEN group 698 p = 0001 and mean distance from anal verge LAP group 46 cm OPEN group 52 cm p = 0002 Local recurrence and metastasis were similar by stage