Authors: Young Suk Park SangYong Son Aung Myint Oo Do Hyun Jung Dong Joon Shin SangHoon Ahn Do Joong Park HyungHo Kim
Publish Date: 2015/12/22
Volume: 30, Issue: 9, Pages: 3965-3975
A total of 3000 minimally invasive gastric cancer surgeries were performed at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital between May 2003 and January 2014 The types of laparoscopic gastrectomy used surgical techniques postoperative morbidities and longterm oncologic outcomes were analyzedThe proportion of challenging procedures such as laparoscopic total gastrectomy and laparoscopic gastrectomy for patients with advanced gastric cancer increased during the study period The frequency of laparoscopic functionpreserving gastrectomy for patients with earlystage cancer also increased The overall rate of complications was 167 surgical and systemic complication rates were 118 and 62 respectively There was one case of postoperative mortality due to delayed bleeding after discharge Male gender high BMI long operating times combined resection of other organs and total and proximal gastrectomies were independent predictors of surgical morbidities however pathologic Tstage was not a predictable factor Accumulated experience in laparoscopic surgery decreased the surgical complication rates of total and proximal gastrectomies more than it did in distal gastrectomy over time The 5year overall survival rates of patients in advanced stages and those who underwent laparoscopic total gastrectomy were comparable to those reported previously