Authors: Xiaohong Yan Thomas R Gardner Michael Grieco Sonali A C Herath Joon Ho Jang Daniel Kirchoff Linda Njoh H M C Shantha Kumara Samer Naffouje Richard L Whelan
Publish Date: 2012/01/19
Volume: 26, Issue: 7, Pages: 1856-1864
Perioperative anticancer therapy that does not impair wound healing is needed to counter the persistent proangiogenic plasma compositional changes that occur after colorectal resection Polyphenon E PolyE a green tea derivative main component EGCG and Siliphos main component silibinin from the milk thistle plant both have antitumor effects This study assessed the impact of PolyE/Siliphos PES on wound healing and the growth of CT26 colon cancer in several murine modelsOne wound healing and three tumor studies were performed Tumor Study TS1 assessed the impact of PES on subcutaneous tumor growth whereas TS2 assessed PES’s impact on subcutaneous growth when given pre and postCO2 pneumoperitoneum pneumo sham laparotomy or anesthesia alone TS3 determined the ability of PES to limit hepatic metastases mets after portal venous injection of tumor cells In the final study laparotomy and gastrotomy wound healing were assessed several ways BALB/c mice were used for all studies The drugs were given via drinking water PolyE and gavage Siliphos daily for 7–9 days preprocedure and for 7–21 days postoperatively Tumor mass number/size of hepatic mets and proliferation and apoptosis rates were assessed The abdominal breaking strength and energy to failure were measured postmortem as was gastric bursting pressuresPES significantly inhibited subcutaneous growth in the nonoperative setting PES also significantly decreased the number/size of liver mets when given perioperatively Abdominal wound breaking strength energy to wound failure and collagen content were not altered by PES gastrotomy bursting strength also was not affected by PES Neither drug alone had a significant impact on tumor growth