Journal Title
Title of Journal: Cancer Causes Control
Abbravation: Cancer Causes & Control
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Marie C Bradley Carmel M Hughes Marie M Cantwell Liam J Murray
Publish Date: 2010/08/10
Volume: 21, Issue: 12, Pages: 2093-2100
A nested case–control study was conducted within the UK GPRD Cases had a diagnosis of primary malignant neoplasia of the exocrine pancreas Controls were matched with cases on general practice site sex and year of birth Exposure of interest was exposure to statins since entry into the GPRD until 1 year before the case diagnosis date Conditional logistic regression analyses were used to generate ORs and 95 CI associated with statin use compared to nonuseA total of 1141 pancreatic cancer cases and 7954 controls were identified Any use of a statin since entry into the GPRD excluding the year prior to diagnosis was not associated with the risk of pancreatic cancer OR 093 95 CI 076–114 Neither dose nor duration of statin use affected pancreatic cancer risk When dose and duration of statin use combined were assessed no evidence of reduced risk was seen for longterm users of highdose statins OR 071 042–120 Statin type simvastatin vs atorvastatin was not associated with pancreatic cancer riskThis study is based in part on data from the Full Feature General Practice Research Database obtained under licence from the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency However the interpretation and conclusions contained in this study are those of the authors alone Access to the GPRD database was funded through the Medical Research Council’s licence agreement with MHRA
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