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Springer Netherlands

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Physical activity and endometrial cancer in a popu

Authors: Hannah Arem Melinda L Irwin Yang Zhou Lingeng Lu Harvey Risch Herbert Yu
Publish Date: 2010/11/26
Volume: 22, Issue: 2, Pages: 219-226
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We collected physical activity data on 667 incident cases of endometrial cancer and 662 agematched controls Interviewadministered questionnaires collecting demographic and lifestyle information including a validated questionnaire for physical activity We performed unconditional logistic regression to examine the relationship between moderate to vigorousintensity sports/recreational physical activity MV PA sit time and endometrial cancer riskCompared to women reporting 0 metabolic equivalent MET hours per week of MV PA those who reported 75 MET h/wk or more had a 34 lower endometrial cancer risk odds ratio OR = 066 95 CI 050–087 after adjusting for risk factors including BMI Those women sitting more than 8 h per day had a 52 increased odds 95 CI 107–216 of endometrial cancer compared to those sitting less than 4 h per day We created a composite measure of physical activity and BMI and found that women with a BMI 25 and activity levels ≥75 MET h/wk had a 73 lower endometrial cancer risk OR = 027 95 CI 018–039 compared with the reference group of overweight BMI ≥25 and sedentary MET h/wk = 0This study was supported by NCINIH grant 5R01CA098346 The cooperation of 28 Connecticut hospitals including Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Bridgeport Hospital Danbury Hospital Hartford Hospital Middlesex Hospital New Britain General Hospital Bradley Memorial Hospital Yale/New Haven Hospital St Francis Hospital and Medical Center St Mary’s Hospital Hospital of St Raphael St Vincent’s Medical Center Stamford Hospital William W Backus Hospital Windham Hospital Eastern Connecticut Health Network Griffin Hospital Bristol Hospital Johnson Memorial Hospital Day Kimball Hospital Greenwich Hospital Lawrence and Memorial Hospital Milford Hospital New Milford Hospital Norwalk Hospital MidState Medical Center John Dempsey Hospital and Waterbury Hospital in allowing patient access is gratefully acknowledged This study was approved by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Human Investigation Committee Certain data used in this study were obtained from the Connecticut Tumor Registry in the Connecticut Department of Public Health The authors assume full responsibility for analyses and interpretation of these data The authors want to specially thank Rajni Mehta for her support in case identification through RCA Helen Sayward for her effort in conducting the study Ellen Anderson Donna Bowers Renee Capasso Kristin DeFrancesco Anna Florczak and Sherry Rowland for their assistance in recruiting and interviewing study participants and Na Ni for her help in SAS programming



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