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Association between highsensitivity Creactive pr

Authors: Kunlanat Makboon Ellen B Gold Danielle J Harvey Lesley M Butler Laurel A Habel
Publish Date: 2015/01/21
Volume: 26, Issue: 3, Pages: 431-442
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High mammographic density MD is a strong risk factor for breast cancer Chronic inflammation may be related to breast cancer risk through a mechanism involving the percent of breast area that is dense percent MD Longitudinal assessments however are lacking and thus were constructed to evaluate the relationship between chronic inflammation and percent MDWe evaluated whether elevated 3 mg/L highsensitivity Creactive protein hsCRP a biomarker of inflammation was associated with change in percent MD among 653 women aged 42–52 years at baseline in the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation a longitudinal study of midlife women We used a mixed model to analyze data from an average of 47 mammograms per woman collected during an average followup of 49 years SD = 147Elevated hsCRP at baseline was associated with lower baseline percent MD and a significantly slower annual decline over time of percent MD in an adjusted model that did not include body mass index BMI β = 088 95  CI 044 131 This association was attenuated and nonsignificant when BMI was included in the model β = 037 95  CI −009 084 Elevated hsCRP levels over time timevarying elevated hsCRP levels were also associated with a significantly slower decline in percent MD β = 062 95  CI 030 094 This association was attenuated but still significant after adjusting for baseline BMI β = 040 95  CI 007 073The Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation SWAN has grant support from the National Institutes of Health NIH DHHS through the National Institute on Aging NIA the National Institute of Nursing Research NINR and the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health ORWH Grants U01NR004061 U01AG012505 U01AG012535 U01AG012531 U01AG012539 U01AG012546 U01AG012553 U01AG012554 U01AG012495 The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIA NINR ORWH or the NIH This ancillary study was supported by National Cancer Institute Grant R01CA89552



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