Authors: Nicholas A Pullen Monika Anand Patricia S Cooper Helen L Fillmore
Publish Date: 2011/08/21
Volume: 106, Issue: 3, Pages: 461-471
Herein we continue the study of matrix metalloproteinase1 MMP1 with respect to glioblastoma multiforme GBM cell tumorigenicity and angiogenesis A model of tumorigenicity with cells stably altered to overexpress or knockdown MMP1 revealed that it significantly increases tumor incidence and size Organized endothelial growth in human umbilical vein endothelial cell HUVECGBM cocultures was significantly increased in the presence of MMP1 CD31 analysis of model tumors elucidated a substantial recruitment of endothelium in MMP1 enhanced samples Antibody arrays indicated an inverse expression of certain antiangiogenic factors with respect to MMP1 the most notable of which was a significant increase in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases4 TIMP4 in the absence of MMP1 as validated by immunoblotOverexpresser vector development was performed at the VCU–Massey Cancer Center Molecular Biology Core Facility supported in part by funding from NIHNCI CCSG Center core grant 2P30CA16059 We thank Dr Christine E Fuller Director of Neuropathology at VCU Health System for pathological consultation with CD31 slides and Dr Robert Cardnell and Dr Timothy Vanmeter for their quantification insights We also thank Dr Jorge Almenara and the Anatomic Pathology Research Services of VCU for their valuable institutional resources Finally we are grateful for the support of the MCV Foundation Hord Fund and Dr William C Broaddus and Dr Harold F Young