Authors: R Ramakrishnan Somashekhar S Hiremath M Singaperumal
Publish Date: 2012/05/20
Volume: 26, Issue: 5, Pages: 1321-1331
As gasoline prices rise and the green movement grows more fluid power companies are working to develop hydraulic hybrid drive trains for large trucks to passenger cars and wind turbines The hydraulic hybrid drive system is more effective and efficient than traditional hybrid systems because the quantum of recuperation energy generated is comparatively very high Series hydraulic hybrid system specially designed for stopandgo vehicles captures energy as the vehicle brakes and puts the vehicle in motion when the vehicle is restarted Then the engine kicks in once the energy captured gets depleted The kinetic energy lost as heat energy during mechanical friction braking is recovered and stored in the hydraulic accumulator as potential energy during hydrostatic regenerative braking This paper gives an insight in to the dynamic simulation results obtained using LMS AMESim tool and effect of various system parameters like precharge pressure and hydraulic pump/motor maximum displacement on system output power Varying the precharge pressure of the accumulator and controlling the hydraulic pump/motor maximum displacement show significant improvement in the system output power Maximizing the system output power indirectly leads to less fuel consumption and pollution reduction in hybrid vehiclesR Ramakrishnan obtained his ME degree in 2009 from Madras Institute of Technology MIT Anna University Chennai He is currently working as Half Time Research Assistant and pursuing his PhD degree in Precision Engineering and Instrumentation Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai Tamil Nadu India His current research area of interest include Hydraulic Hybrids Power Bond Graph Modeling Dynamic simulation Control systems Multiobjective optimization and Mechatronics system designSomashekhar S Hiremath works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai Tamil Nadu India He received the doctoral degree in 2004 from Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai Tamil Nadu India As a credential he received two national awards 1 Innovative Student Project Award 2005 for best PhD thesis 2 Prof K Arumugam National Award for Innovative Research Work in Engineering and Technology He has published many papers in National and International level His current research areas are hydraulic hybrids mechatronics system design precision engineering FEM and hybrid machining processesM Singaperumal received his BE degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1969 MTech degree in Machine Design in 1976 and PhD in Fluid Power from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 1984 Currently he is an Emeritus Professor in Precision Engineering and Instrumentation Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai India He has published many papers in international journals and guided many MS and PhD scholars in the field of fluid power oil hydraulics robotics and Mechatronics His current research interest includes hydraulic hybrids underwater robotics networked robotics robot calibration mechatronics MEMS micromachining and oil hydraulics