Authors: KimBao Nguyen SeokHun Yoon Jae Hyuk Choi
Publish Date: 2012/01/28
Volume: 26, Issue: 1, Pages: 251-258
This study experimentally investigated the effect of the workingfluid filling ratio FR and the coolingwater flow rate CWFR on the top heat loss and the performance of a solar collector equipped with a closedloop oscillating heat pipe CLOHP The CLOHP was composed of a heating section a cooling section and an adiabatic section it had a 0002m internal diameter and eight turns The heating section was attached to a copper plate coated with black chrome which absorbed energy from a solar simulator that had 12 halogen lamps and was controlled by a voltage regulator The cooling section was inserted into the collector’s cooling box which was made of a transparent acrylic plate The FR of the working fluid ranged from 30 to 80 with a 10 interval and the CWFRs were 015 l/min 030 l/min and 045 l/min The experimental results show that the solar collector equipped with the CLOHP has good performance at workingfluid FRs of 60 and 70 with low flow rates of 015 l/min and 030 l/minSeok Hun Yoon received his BS and PhD degrees from Korea Maritime University He is currently professor at the division of marine system engineering in Korea Maritime University Korea His research interests are thermal engineering solar energy et alJae Hyuk Choi received his BS and MS degrees from Korea Maritime University in 1996 2000 and PhD degree from Hokkaido university in 2005 He is currently a professor in Korea Maritime University Dr Choi’s research interests are reduction of pollution emission soot and NOx high temperature combustion laser diagnostics alternative fuel heat pipe and hydrogen production with high temperature electrolysis steam HTES