Authors: K H Byun L D Chen
Publish Date: 2013/10/18
Volume: 27, Issue: 10, Pages: 3183-3189
The purpose of this paper is to predict total emissivity of CO2 near earth atmospheric conditions Due to lack of total emissivity information in this temperature range it was predicted from line data or spectral emissivity data The results have been compared with several methods in this paper The models compared are by Bliss 2 Hottel 4 Atwater and Ball 5 7 wide band model by Edwards 6 Yamamoto and Sasamori 7 8 and using HITRAN data base 12 For spectral emissivity the results by Yamamoto and Sasamori match well with predictions using HITRAN data base For total emissivity the deviations between models are rather large and sometimes more than about 005 at the upper bound value around 02 In general for a given condition the upper bound of total emissivity is given by Hottel and lower bound is given by HITRAN The predictions by Edwards are in between but near to those of HottelK H Byun received his BS from Seoul National University Korea in 1978 MS and PhD from The University of Iowa in 1982 and 1987 all in mechanical engineering His current research interests are in the area of thermal radiative heat transfer numerical heat transfer and HVACLD Chen earned his BS National Taiwan University MS and PhD Penn State University degrees in mechanical engineering Before joining Texas AM University — Corpus Christi in 2010 he was on the faculty at the University of Iowa Chen has coauthored/ authored more than 150 technical publications His current research includes modeling and simulation of combustion systems geothermal electricity generation and bioflow reactor