Authors: Jabbar Ali Zakeri Morvarid Fattahi Mohammad Mehdi Ghanimoghadam
Publish Date: 2015/06/12
Volume: 29, Issue: 6, Pages: 2289-2295
One of the major problems of railroad deterioration is uneven settlement which occurs due to various reasons including existence of defects in substructures using nonhomogenous ballast or being poorly drained Sometimes because of these problems sleepers remain freely as a part of vertical displacement and contact the ballast with load increase Different models have been presented for checking the effect of hanging sleepers on the dynamic interaction of rail and train In this paper a mathematical model was developed for railway track and differential rail displacement with supported and unsupported sleepers was compared by modeling sleepers such as partially supported ones On this basis the motion equations of the traintrack system were solved considering the nonlinearity of wheel/rail contact form and using numerical integration in the time domain Longitudinal sections of the track model were coded in Matlab software and the effect of one two or three partially supported sleepers and various spacing of sleepers on the sleepers and rail displacement was studied and compared with that of the unsupported one It was shown that with increasing the sleeper spacing from 50 to 75 cm rail displacement increased from 7 to 22 in the unsupported sleeper and 5 to 8 in the partially supported sleeper Additionally rail displacement increased from 13 to 74 by changing the number of the unsupported sleeper from 1 to 9 Also it increased from 6 to 24 in the partially supported sleepersJabbar Ali Zakeri received his BS degree in civil engineering and MS degree in structural engineering from Tabriz University in 1992 and 1995 respectively He then furthered his studies to receive his PhD in railway track and technical structures engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2000 Dr Zakeri is currently an associate professor at School of Railway Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran Iran His research interests include dynamic analysis of traintrack interaction railway track dynamics and track maintenance and construction