Authors: Changyi Zhao Zhibin Wu Jiuping Xu
Publish Date: 2012/06/07
Volume: 22, Issue: 4, Pages: 733-743
A crosssectional survey was done in a local area near the epicenter of the severe earthquake in Wenchuan The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition DSMIV the standard Chinese 12item Short Form SF12v2 and the Social Support Rating Scale SSRS were used to interview a total of 2080 earthquake survivors in the oneyear followup period Multiple regressions were performed to evaluate the moderating role of social support on the relationship between PTSD and QOLAmong survivors oneyear after the Wenchuan earthquake being a woman p 001 having a lower level of education p 001 having a lower level of income p 001 having a worse housing status p 005 and having a higher level of exposure p 005 were risk factors for a poorer QOL ∆R 2 = 0063 PTSD symptoms negatively influenced the QOL ∆R 2 = 0145 while social support positively influenced the QOL ∆R 2 = 0016 However the interaction between social support and PTSD weakened the negative effect of PTSD on the QOL ∆R 2 = 0012 Subjective support and support availability moderated the association between PTSD and the QOL ∆R 2 = 0010We are grateful to the editors and anonymous referees for their insightful comments and suggestions We would like to thank all of the interviewees who showed great patience in answering the questionnaires This research was supported by Major Bidding Program of National Social Science Foundation of China Grant no 08ZD009 and also partially sponsored by the project of Investigation Propaganda Department of China Association for Science and Technology Grant no 2009DCYJ12 and by the “985” Program of Sichuan University “Innovative Research Base for Economic Development and Management”