Authors: Sungkun Cho HyeYoung Kim JangHan Lee
Publish Date: 2012/11/21
Volume: 22, Issue: 7, Pages: 1767-1772
Pain catastrophizing often has been measured using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale PCS Studies of the PCS nearly consistently support its threefactor structure ie helplessness magnification and rumination and satisfactory psychometric properties across different countries and languages This study aimed to assess the generalizability of the threefactor structure of the PCS to Korean patients with chronic noncancer pain and to investigate reliability measurement error and construct validity of a Korean version of the PCS KPCSConfirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the adequacy of the threefactor structure of the KPCS ‘helplessness’ ‘magnification’ and ‘rumination’ The internal consistency for ‘helplessness’ ‘magnification’ ‘rumination’ and total scale of the KPCS were Cronbach’s α = 90 71 86 and 93 respectively test–retest stability ICC = 77 73 65 and 79 respectively the standard estimation of measurement 193 134 213 and 372 respectively the minimum detectable change 533 370 589 and 1028 respectively and the limits of agreement −766 to 920 −507 to 501 −730 to 686 and −1526 to 1646 respectively At least moderate positive correlations were observed between the KPCS and pain intensity depression and painrelated anxiety and moderate negative correlations between the KPCS and physical and psychological functioning