Authors: M M Radhi Emad A Jaffar AlMulla W T Tan
Publish Date: 2012/12/13
Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Pages: 179-192
A new grafted polymer electrode GPE polystyrene as polymer was grafted with acrylonitrile as a monomer using gamma irradiation to produce a new grafted polymer The redox process of K3FeCN6 during cyclic voltammetry was studied by the new GPE The ratio of Ipc/Ipa 1 of GPE to GCE Ipc/Ipa = 17 indicating that this electrode is a reversible electrode and can be used in conductivity studies by voltammetric analysis The physical properties of the new electrode GP have good hardness insolubility and stability at different high temperatures and at different pH Also the sensitivity under conditions of cyclic voltammetry is significantly dependent on pH electrolyte and scan rate At different scan rates two oxidation peaks and two reduction peaks of FeIII were observed in a reversible process FeIII FeII and FeII Fe0 Interestingly the redox reaction of FeIII solution using GPE remained constant even after 15 cycles It is therefore evident that the GPE possesses some degree of stability The potential use of the grafted polymer as a useful electrode material is therefore clearly evident