Authors: Young Rang Uhm Jaewoo Kim Kwang Jae Son Chul Sung Kim
Publish Date: 2013/03/01
Volume: 40, Issue: 5, Pages: 2145-2153
W dispersed mixed polymers of ethylene propylene monomer and high density polyethylene were prepared by means of a twinscrew extruder by the conventional technique using a corotated tworoll mill The W nanoparticles used as filler were prepared by pulse wire evaporation then coated with lowdensity polyethylene LDPE as polymeric surfactant Surface treatment of the nanoparticles with LDPE was conducted to enhance the wettability and lubrication of the fillers in the polymer matrix According to SEM images and mechanical properties dispersion of W/LDPE nanoparticles in the polymer matrix was homogeneous and adhesion of the nanoparticles to the matrix was strong The polymer nanocomposites had better mechanical properties than those containing dispersed microW powder The γray attenuation factor of nanofillerreinforced composites was substantially enhanced compared with that containing micro filler