Authors: Peng Wang Jin Cai Huayou Hu Lushen Li Chunlong Sun Min Ji
Publish Date: 2013/03/17
Volume: 40, Issue: 8, Pages: 2935-2943
This article reports the orthosubstituent effect on the cleavage of the amide C–N bond In the structure of N α PhthNpyridinylamide when the hydrogen atom in the 3position of pyridine ring was replaced by alkoxy group the amide C–N cleavage can take place in the 2position of the pyridine ring This transformation can proceed rapidly in methylamine ethanol solution under mild conditions to afford 2amino3alkoxy pyridinesThis work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China No 2011CB933503 and Technology Supporting Program of Jiangsu province BE2009639 BE2012657 H Hu is grateful to China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project No 2012M511645 and NSFC No 21202058 for their financial support