Authors: HuanBao Fa JingTing Zhou Dong Zhang Wei Yin HaiFeng Zhang DanQun Huo ChangJun Hou XiaoGang Luo YaLi Mao Jin Zhang
Publish Date: 2013/10/17
Volume: 41, Issue: 5, Pages: 3243-3260
A novel 42611dicyanoprop1en2ylnaphthalen2ylmethylamino ethoxy4oxobutanoic acid 5 fluorescent probe for βamyloids was synthesized by catalytic acylation using 4dimethylaminopyridine between succinic anhydride and 162hydroxyethylmethyl amino2naphthylethylidenemalononitrile 4 The structures of all compounds were identified by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy infrared spectroscopy mass spectrometry and ultraviolet–visible UV–Vis spectroscopy The UV–Vis and fluorescence spectra of 162hydroxyethylmethyl amino2naphthylethan1one 3 4 and 5 in solvents with different polarities were investigated and the effects of solvent polarity on the optical properties of the three compounds were studied The objective product 5 showed high binding affinities toward Aβ1–40 aggregates in vitro K d = 294 nmol/L by fluorophotometry This study provides a powerful fluorescent probe for the molecular diagnosis of Alzheimer’s diseaseWe gratefully acknowledge the support of this research by National natural science funds NSFC No 30970799 31101284 Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC No CSTC 2008BB5285 2010BB1209 Central College Operational costs of basic research No CQDXWL2012034 CQDXWL2012035