Authors: Luca di Marzo Antonin Cavallaro
Publish Date: 2005/04/13
Volume: 29, Issue: 1, Pages: S43-S45
Popliteal Arterial Entrapment PAE was first reported in 1879 by Stuart a medical student at the University of Edinburgh Mr Stuart observed during the dissection of an amputated leg of a 64yearold man a popliteal artery coursing around the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and aneurysmal changes in the popliteal artery distal to the point of external muscular compression 1The first case of PAE was surgically treated in 1959 in a 12yearold boy complaining of claudication after walking 300 meters At surgical exploration Hamming at Leyden University in The Netherlands found an occluded artery with an anomalous course medial to the medial gastrocnemius muscle He transected the muscle and performed a successful popliteal artery thromboendarterectomy 2 In 1979 Rich et al published the first series of patients treated for PAE 3 Many case reports were published in the ensuing years as well as other small series 4 Efforts to revise collective series were