Authors: ShihPing Cheng JieJen Lee TsangPai Liu HanHsiang Chen ChihJen Wu ChienLiang Liu
Publish Date: 2014/07/08
Volume: 38, Issue: 11, Pages: 2838-2844
Aluminum overload and accumulation in tissues may lead to skeletal hematological and neurological toxicity The aim of this study was to assess the effects of serum aluminum levels on presentations postoperative recovery and symptom improvement in patients undergoing parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidismFrom 2008 to 2013 all patients with endstage renal disease undergoing initial parathyroidectomy were included in the study Serum aluminum level was measured preoperatively and/or within 1 week after surgery Preoperative and postoperative biochemical profile and symptoms were compared between the low and high aluminum groupsA total of 176 patients were included in the study Of these 38 22 patients had serum aluminum levels higher than 20 μg/L A higher percentage of patients in the high aluminum group were on peritoneal dialysis than in the low aluminum group 24 vs 4 p = 0001 Both groups had similar bone mineral density and changes in biochemical profiles The preoperative parathyroidectomy assessment of symptoms PAS score was not associated with serum aluminum levels p = 0349 whereas the postoperative PAS score showed positive association p = 0005 There was a negative association between serum aluminum levels and the improvement of total PAS scores p = 0001 The high aluminum group had more residual symptoms in three aspects bone pain p = 0038 difficulty getting out of a chair or car p = 0045 and pruritus p = 0041