Authors: Hui Sun XiaoBing Chen Jun Zhu JunHui He YaFeng Qian Hong Fang
Publish Date: 2007/04/13
Volume: 43, Issue: 1, Pages: 125-129
Ladoped SrBi4Ti4O15 SrBi4–x La x Ti4O15 SBLTx x = 000 010 and 025 thin films have been successfully prepared by the sol–gel method Structures surface morphology and ferroelectric properties were investigated Compared with undoped SBTi SBLT010 shows a notable larger remnant polarization 2P r = 46 μC/cm2 Meanwhile the SBLT010 film shows little change of P nv and −P nv up to 44 × 1010 switching cycles suggesting an excellent fatigueendurance characteristicsThis work was supported by the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No 10274066 and the Natural Science Foundation of Education Bureau of Jiangsu Province China Grant No GK0410181 Partial support was also provided by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province China Grant No BK2005052