Authors: Brajesh Kumar Kumari Smita Luis Cumbal
Publish Date: 2015/12/30
Volume: 78, Issue: 2, Pages: 285-292
Search of new pigment for the green synthesis of nanoparticles has emerged new scope for the chemist In this report we describe the synthesis of silver nanoparticles AgNPs using notorious weed Lantana camara L flower extract The AgNPs were characterized by visual UV–visible spectrophotometer transmission electron microscopy TEM dynamic light scattering and Xray diffraction XRD UV–visible spectroscopy showed surface plasmon resonance at 470 nm clearly reveals the formation of AgNPs TEM analysis confirmed that the AgNPs are spherical and 33 ± 5 nm average sized XRD analysis reveals the formation of pure silver metal with facecentered cubic symmetry and confirms crystalline nature The AgNPs showed significant antioxidant efficacy at different time intervals against 11diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl and photocatalytic activities by the degradation of the methylene blue From the results obtained it is suggested that surfacemodified AgNPs could be used effectively in future biotechnology concernsThis scientific work has been funded by the Prometeo Project of the National Secretariat of Higher Education Science Technology and Innovation SENESCYT Ecuador We thank Dr Alexis Debut ESPE and Dr Colon Velasquez Director INIGEMM Ecuador for providing TEM and XRD instrumental facility