Authors: N VargasBecerril L TéllezJurado J ReyesGasga M A AlvarezPerez L M RodríguezLorenzo
Publish Date: 2014/08/29
Volume: 72, Issue: 3, Pages: 571-580
Pechini method is a materials synthesis method based on the preparation of a polymeric matrix The advantage of this method is the ability to obtain materials with different particle sizes depending on the synthesis condition with a homogeneous distribution In this work carbonated hydroxyapatite cOHAp nanoparticles were obtained by a modified Pechini method To obtain the polymeric precursor of the cOHAp the polymeric matrix was prepared through a polyesterification reaction between citric acid and ethyleneglycol Adding calcium hydroxide and ortophosphoric acid in aqueous solutions raising the temperature up to 140 °C/2 h and keeping constant the pH at 8 The polymeric matrix was calcinated at different ranges of temperature from 200 to 600 °C in order to obtain the cOHAp powder The results show the presence of cOHAp a as unique phase The thermal analysis indicates that the cOHAp phase was obtained at 600 °C The particle size of the obtained material was 50 nmThe authors thanks to UNAMDGAPA for postdoctoral scholarship supporting to NVB during the course of this study We appreciate the technical support from S Tehuacanero Núñez P Mexia Hernández This study was partially conducted with the financial support granted by DGAPAUNAM through projects IN106710 and IN213912 by IPN through SIP project 20130452 and by CICYT Spain through project MAT201018155