Authors: Skirmante Butkute Akvile Zabiliute Ramunas Skaudzius Pranciskus Vitta Aldona Beganskiene Arturas Zukauskas Aivaras Kareiva
Publish Date: 2015/06/16
Volume: 76, Issue: 1, Pages: 210-219
Galliumcontaining garnets gadolinium gallium Gd3Ga5O12 GGG and gadolinium scandium gallium Gd3Sc2Ga3O12 GSGG were prepared using an aqueous sol–gel synthesis route Different starting materials and TRIS trishydroxymethylaminomethane NH2CCH2OH3 and 12ethandiol as complexing agents were used in the sol–gel processing The final products were obtained after the heating of the precursor gels at 1000 °C for 10 h The substitution effects of Fe3+ Ce3+ and Ce3+/Cr3+ in gallium garnets have been also investigated The results obtained in this study have demonstrated that the formation of mixedmetal gallium garnets depends on the sol–gel synthesis parameters and nature of dopant element The luminescent properties of GGGFe3+ specimens were identical to those of GSGGFe3+ showing the great iron quenching effect The luminescence at 720–780 nm for the cerium/chromiumcodoped GGGCe3+ Cr3+ phosphors was observed The highest emission intensity for GGGCe3+ Cr3+ samples containing 3 mol of dopants 15 mol Ce and 15 mol Cr was determined