Authors: Annalisa Giacalone Jerry Polesel Angela De Paoli Anna Maria Colussi Ivana Sartor Renato Talamini Umberto Tirelli
Publish Date: 2009/09/26
Volume: 18, Issue: 9, Pages: 1191-1197
Fatigue is the most distressing untreated symptom for many cancer patients and its measurement is of great topical interest The aim of the present study was to assess psychometric properties of Revised Piper Fatigue Scale PFSr in Italian cancer patientsFrom January to June 2007 115 histologically confirmed cancer inpatients age ≥18 years Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group ECOG performance status ≤2 who were undergoing treatments completed the Italian PFSr and the Profile Of Mood States POMS Fatigue and Vigor subscales Major psychometric properties were investigatedThe construct validity of the Italian PFSr was appropriate with high corrected item–subscale correlations Pearson r ≥097 for all subscales Exploratory factor analysis revealed three dimensions instead of four in the US questionnaire 682 of the common variance was explained Internal consistency was satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha 080 as was the test–retest reliability Good correlations between PFSr subscale and POMS subscales confirmed criterion validityThe psychometric properties of the Italian version of PFSr as evaluated in cancer patients ongoing chemotherapy were satisfactory We suggest the possible implementation of the Italian PFSr in the assessment of fatigue particularly when it has been more fully validated on a wider range of cancer patientsAnnalisa Giacalone corresponding author on behalf of all coauthors declares not to have any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence our work including employment consultancies stock ownership honoraria paid expert testimony patent applications/registrations and grants and any other funding