Authors: A Siniscalchi A Tendas L Morino T Dentamaro A De Bellis A Perrotti P de Fabritiis P Musto T Caravita
Publish Date: 2012/05/05
Volume: 20, Issue: 7, Pages: 1585-1587
Stevens–Johnson syndrome SJS is a potentially deadly skin disease that usually results from a drug reaction Typically it involves the skin and mucous membranes While minor presentations may occur significant involvement of the oral nasal eye vaginal urethral gastrointestinal GI and lower respiratory tract mucous membranes may develop in the course of the illness GI and respiratory involvement may progress to necrosis Missed diagnosis is common and recovery can take weeks to months depending on the severity of the condition 1 We describe an SJS developed in a primary plasma cell leukaemia during Revlimid and dexamethasone Rev/Dex treatmentOn April 2010 a 51yearold man was admitted to our centre for fever and worsening general conditions Laboratory tests showed the following data leukocytosis WBC 20500/μl with peripheral plasma cells 2000/μl anaemia HGB 103 g/dl thrombocytopenia PLTS 83000/μl serum M protein IgAlambda 147 g/dl urinary