Authors: Bárbara Reis Wariss Rejane Medeiros Costa Ana Carolina Padula Ribeiro Pereira Rosalina Jorge Koifman Anke Bergmann
Publish Date: 2016/10/04
Volume: 25, Issue: 2, Pages: 465-470
A prospective observational study in a hospital cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer and treated at a referral centre for cancer Patients were followed according to the routine of the hospital’s physical therapy service In addition a review of medical records was conducted for the period between 5 and 10 years of followup Data on patient characteristics treatment tumour and postoperative complications were collectedIn all 964 patients were included mostly 65 years old 75 and classified as being overweight 68 Disease was diagnosed as being up to stage IIA in 549 of the cases 651 underwent mastectomy and 838 had total axillary dissection As adjuvant treatment 61 underwent chemotherapy 635 radiotherapy and 68 hormone therapy Among surgical complications 626 of patients had seroma 407 had necrosis 359 axillary web syndrome and 314 lymphoedema There was no association between axillary web syndrome and the development of lymphoedema OR = 087 95 CI 065 to 115 p = 0329