Authors: Julia Hamer Rachel McDonald Liying Zhang Sunil Verma Angela Leahey Christine Ecclestone Gillian Bedard Natalie Pulenzas Anchal Bhatia Ronald Chow Carlo DeAngelis Janet Ellis Eileen Rakovitch Justin Lee Edward Chow
Publish Date: 2016/09/30
Volume: 25, Issue: 2, Pages: 409-419
Patients with DCIS early stage locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer completed the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System ESAS and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy for Breast Cancer FACTB Patients were divided into subsequent cohorts based on their last day of treatment age at enrollment radiation chemotherapy and hormone therapyA total of 1513 patients were enrolled Metastatic patients had a lower QOL and greatest SB compared to all other patient groups Patients ≤50 years old with early stage or locally advanced breast cancer had a lower QOL and greater SB for fatigue depression and anxiety compared to all other age cohorts Patients with early stage breast cancer who received chemotherapy had a lower QOL and greater SB Patients taking selective estrogen receptor modulator SERM had greater SB for depression and lower QOL compared to those not on SERM Patients 2–10 years posttreatment had a lower QOL compared to patients ≥10 years posttreatmentPatients ≤50 years old 2–10 years posttreatment treated with chemotherapy or SERM had increased SB and decreased QOL Individualized interventions and programs can be developed to tailor to physical educational and psychosocial needs identified across the breast cancer continuumWe thank the generous support of Bratty Family Fund Michael and Karyn Goldstein Cancer Research Fund Joey and Mary Furfari Cancer Research Fund Pulenzas Cancer Research Fund Joseph and Silvana Melara Cancer Research Fund and Ofelia Cancer Research Fund