Authors: Luca D Prisciandaro Mark S Geier Ann E Chua Ross N Butler Adrian G Cummins Guy R Sander Gordon S Howarth
Publish Date: 2012/04/20
Volume: 20, Issue: 12, Pages: 3205-3210
The potential efficacy of a probioticbased preventative strategy against intestinal mucositis has yet to be investigated in detail We evaluated supernatants SN from Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 EcN and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG LGG for their capacity to prevent 5fluorouracil 5FUinduced damage to intestinal epithelial cells A 5day study was performed IEC6 cells were treated daily from days 0 to 3 with 1 mL of PBS untreated control de Man Rogosa Sharpe MRS broth tryptone soy roth TSB LGG SN or EcN SN With the exception of the untreated control cells all groups were treated with 5FU 5 μM for 24 h at day 3 Transepithelial electrical resistance TEER was determined on days 3 4 and 5 while activation of caspases 3 and 7 was determined on days 4 and 5 to assess apoptosis Pretreatment with LGG SN increased TEER p 005 compared to controls at day 3 5FU administration reduced TEER compared to untreated cells on days 4 and 5 Pretreatment with MRS LGG SN TSB and EcN SN partially prevented the decrease in TEER induced by 5FU on day 4 while EcN SN also improved TEER compared to its TSB vehicle control These differences were also observed at day 5 along with significant improvements in TEER in cells treated with LGG and EcN SN compared to healthy controls 5FU increased caspase activity on days 4 and 5 compared to controls At day 4 cells pretreated with MRS TSB LGG SN or EcN SN all displayed reduced caspase activity compared to 5FU controls while both SN groups had significantly lower caspase activity than their respective vehicle controls Caspase activity in cells pretreated with MRS LGG SN and EcN SN was also reduced at day 5 compared to 5FU controls We conclude that pretreatment with selected probiotic SN could prevent or inhibit enterocyte apoptosis and loss of intestinal barrier function induced by 5FU potentially forming the basis of a preventative treatment modality for mucositisI Luca Prisciandaro state that there is no conflict of interest associated with this manuscript I declare that the current work was not financially sponsored by any organization The authorship of this manuscript is as described in the attached Authorship/Disclosure form with myself as the first author I have a full control of all primary data related to this manuscript and would be happy to allow the journal to review this data if necessary